
Identity, Demographics and Race

Page history last edited by Joanna Postlethwaite 11 years, 6 months ago



See Gender and Gaming




Bailenson, J. N., Blascovich, J., & Guadagno, R. E. (2008). Self-representations in immersive virtual environments. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(11), 2673–2690.


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Yasmin B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, and Melissa S. Cook (2010), 'Your Second Selves: Player-Designed Avatars', Games and Culture 5 (1)


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Green, M. E., & McNeese, M. N. (2008). Factors that predict digital game play. Howard Journal of Communications, 19(3).


Griffiths, M. D., Davies, M. N. O., & Chappell, D. (2004). Demographic factors and playing variables in online computer gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 7(4), 479–487.


Han, D. H., Lee, Y. S., Yang, K. C., Kim, E. Y., Lyoo, I. K., & Renshaw, P. F. (2007). Dopamine genes and reward dependence in adolescents with excessive internet video game play. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 1(3), 133.


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B. de Schutter (2011), ‘Never Too Old to Play: The Appeal of Digital Games to an Older Audience’, Games and Culture 6:2.


Williams, D., Yee, N., & Caplan, S. (2008). Who plays, how much, and why? Debunking the stereotypical gamer profile. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(4), 993–1018.


Yee, N. (2006). The demographics, motivations, and derived experiences of users of massively multi-user online graphical environments. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 15(3), 309–329.



Race and Culture


Burgess, M. C. R., Dill, K. E., Stermer, S. P., Burgess, S. R., & Brown, B. P. (2011). Playing with prejudice: The prevalence and consequences of racial stereotypes in video games. Media Psychology , 14 (3)

Eastin, M.S., Appiah, O., & Cicchirllo, V. (2009). Identification and the influence of cultural stereotyping on postvideogame play hostility. Human Communication Research, 35


M. Hitchens (2011), ‘A Survey of First-Person Shooters and their Avatars’, Game Studies 11:3


L.A. Jackson et al. (2011), 'A longitudinal study of the effects of Internet use and videogame playing on academic performance and the roles of gender, race and income in these relationships' Computers in Human Behaviour.


Yasmin B. Kafai, Melissa S. Cook, and Deborah A. Fields (2010), ‘‘Blacks Deserve Bodies Too!’’: Design and Discussion About Diversity and Race in a Tween Virtual World' Games and Culture 5 (1)


Y.H. Lee, D.Y. Wohn (2012), 'Are there cultural differences in how we play? Examining cultural effects on playing social network games' Computers in Human Behaviour.


M.J. Monson (2012), ‘Race-Based Fantasy Realm: Essentialism in the World of Warcraft’ Games and Culture 7:1.


N. Poor (2012), ‘Digital Elves as a Racial Other in Video Games: Acknowledgment and Avoidance’ Games and Culture 7:5.


Adrienne Shaw (2012), 'Do you identify as a gamer? Gender, race, sexuality, and gamer identity', New Media & Society 14 (1)


D. Y. Wohn (2011), Gender and Race Representation in Casual Games. Sex Roles.





Sybille Lammes ‘Postcolonial Playgrounds: Games and postcolonial culture’ Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture, Vol 4, No 1 (2010)


Williams, D. (2006). 'A (brief) social history of video games'. In P. Vorderer & J. Bryant (Eds.), Playing computer games: Motives, responses, and consequences (pp. 127–212). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Griffiths, M. D., Davies, M. N. O., & Chappell, D. (2004). Demographic factors and playing variables in online computer gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 7(4), 479–487.

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