
Presence, Engagement and Immersion

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Feelings of Realism, Presence and Immersion


JN Bailenson, E Aharoni, AC Beall, RE Guadagno, A Dimov et al, 'Comparing behavioral and self-report measures of embodied agents’ social presence in immersive virtual environments', Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 13.


JN Bailenson, KR Swinth, CL Hoyt, S Persky, A Dimov (2005), 'The independent and interactive effects of embodied agent appearance and behavior on self-report, cognitive, and behavioral markers of copresence in immersive virtual environments',  Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 14.


Barnett, J., & Coulson, M. (2010). 'Virtually real: A psychological perspective on massively multiplayer online games.' Review of General Psychology, 14(2), 167–179.


Blascovich, J., Loomis, J., Beall, A., Swinth, K., Hoyt, C., & Bailenson, J. N. (2002). 'Immersive virtual environment technology as a methodological tool for social psychology'. Psychological Inquiry, 13, 103–124.


A.F. Bobick et al. (1999), 'The KidsRoom: A Perceptually-Based Interactive and Immersive Story Environment' Presence

B. Ciflikli et al. (2010), 'Increasing the Sense of Presence in a Simulation Environment Using Image Generators Based on Visual Attention' Presence

M.C. Green (2004), 'Transportation Into Narrative Worlds: The Role of Prior Knowledge and Perceived Realism' Discourse Processes.


J. Hou et al. (2012), 'Effects of screen size, viewing angle, and players’ immersion tendencies on game experience' Computers and Human Behaviour.

C. Jennett et al. (2008), 'Measuring and defining the experience of immersion in games' International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.


S.A.A. Jin (2011), '“It Feels Right. Therefore, I Feel Present and Enjoy”: The Effects of Regulatory Fit and the Mediating Roles of Social Presence and Self-Presence in Avatar-Based 3D Virtual Environments' Presence


Lachlan, K. A., & Maloney, E. K. (2008) Game player characteristics and interactive content: exploring the role of personality and telepresence in video game violence. Communication Quarterly, 56 (3)

J Lanier (2001), 'Virtually There', Scientific American.


McMahan, A. (2003). Immersion, engagement and presence. The Video Game Theory Reader, 67–86.


R. McGloin et al. (2011), 'The Impact of Controller Naturalness on Spatial Presence, Gamer Enjoyment, and Perceived Realism in a Tennis Simulation Video Game' Presence.


N. Ravaja, T. Saari, M. Turpeinen, J. Laarni, M. Salminen, M. Kivikangas (2006), 'Spatial Presence and Emotions during Video Game Playing: Does It Matter with Whom You Play?' Presence

 W. Ribbens, S. Malliet (2010), 'Perceived Digital Game Realism: A Quantitative Exploration of its Structure' Presence.

D.M. Shafer, C.P. Carbonara, L. Popova (2011), 'Spatial Presence and Perceived Reality as Predictors of Motion-Based Video Game Enjoyment' Presence.


M Slater, B Spranland, MV Sanchez-Vives (2010), 'First person experience of body transfer in virtual reality', PLoS 1 (5)


M Slater, P. Khannam, J Mortensen, I Yu (2009), 'Visual realism enhances realistic response in an immersive virtual environment', IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications


M. Slater (2004), 'How colorful was your day?: Why questionnaires cannot assess presence in virtual environments', Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 13.


 K.M. Stanney et al. (1998), 'Human Factors Issues in Virtual Environments: A Review of the Literature' Presence.


Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., Habegger, S., Steiner, Y., & Groner, R. (2008). Playing online games against computer- vs. human-controlled opponents: Effects on presence, flow, and enjoyment. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(5)


Wood, R. T. A., Griffiths, M. D., Chappell, D., & Davies, M. N. O. (2004). The structural characteristics of video games: a psycho-structural analysis. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 7, 1–10.



Levels of Engagement


J.H. Brockmyer et al. (2009), 'The development of the Game Engagement Questionnaire: A measure of engagement in video game-playing' Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Moore, R. J., Duchenaut, N., & Nickell, E. (2007). 'Doing virtually nothing. Awareness and accountability in mas­sively multiplayer online games'. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): An International Journal, 16(3), 265–305.

Przybylski, A. K., Rigby, C. S., & Ryan, R. M. (2010) 'A motivational model of video game engagement.' Review of General Psychology, 14 (2)



Passing of Time in Video Games


Bisson, N., Tobin, S., & Grondin, S. (2012). Prospective and retrospective time estimates of children: A comparison based on ecological tasks. PLoS ONE, 7


Tobin, S., & Grodin, S. (2009). 'Video games and the perception of very long durations by adolescents'. Computers in Human Behavior, 25


Wood, R. T. A., Griffiths, M. D., & Parke, A. (2007). 'Experiences of time loss among videogame players: an empirical study'. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(1), 38–44.





K. Claypool & M. Claypool (2007), 'On Frame Rate and Player Performance in First Person Shooter Games, Multimedia Systems Journal.


Knez, I. & Niedenthal, S. (2008) Lighting in digital game worlds: Effects on affect and play performance. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11 (2)


Nelson, R. A., & Strachan, I. (2009). Action and puzzle video game prime different speed/accuracy tradeoffs. Perception, 38.


Whitaker, J. L., & Bushman, B. J. (2012). “boom, headshot!”: Effect of video game play and controller type on firing aim and accuracy. Communication Research



Why do people play video games?


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E. Chan, P. Vorderer (2006), ‘Massively multiplayer online games’ in P. Vorderer, J. Bryant (Eds.), Playing computer games: Motivations, responses, and consequences, Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ (2006).


Ducheneaut, N., Yee, N., Nickell, E., & Moore, R. J. (2006). Building an MMO with mass appeal: a look at gameplay in World of Warcraft. Games and Culture, 1, 281–317.


Ferguson, C. J., & Olson, C. K. (2012). Friends, fun, frustration and fantasy: Child motivations for video game play. Motivation and Emotion


C Ferguson, ‘The Modern Hunter-Gatherer Hunts Aliens and Gathers Power-Ups: The Evolutionary Appeal of Violent Video Games and How They Can Be Beneficial,’ in N Kock, Evolutionary Psychology and Information Systems Research: A New Approach to Studying the Effects of Modern Technologies on Human Behavior.


T. Grodal (2000), ‘Video games and the pleasures of control’ in D. Zillmann, P. Vorderer (Eds.), Media entertainment: The psychology of its appeal, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ (2000), pp. 197–212.


Jakobsson, M. (2011). The achievement machine: Understanding XBOX 360 achievements in gaming practices. Game Studies, 11(1).


Jansz, J. & Tanis, M. (2007). Appeal of playing online first person shooter games. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 10, 1, 133-136.


Klimmt, C., Rizzo, A., Vorderer, P., Koch, J., & Fischer, T. (2009). Experimental evidence for suspense as determinant of video game enjoyment. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12 (1)


Klimmt, C., Schmid, H., & Orthmann, J. (2009). Exploring the enjoyment of playing browser games. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12(2), 231–234.


Moore, C. (2011). Hats of affect: A study of affect, achievements and hats in team fortress 2. Game Studies, 11(1).


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Olson, C. (2010). 'Children’s motivations for video game play in the context of normal development.' Review of General Psychology,


Przybylski, A. K., Weinstein, N., Murayama, K., Lynch, M. F., & Ryan, R. M. (2012). 'The ideal self at play: The appeal of video games that let you be all you can be'. Psychological Science , 23


J.L. Sherry, K. Lucas, B. Greenberg, K. Lachlan (2006), ‘Video game uses and gratifications as predictors of use and game preference’ in P. Vorderer, J. Bryant (Eds.), Playing computer games: Motivations, responses, and consequences, Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ (2006).


P. Sweetser, P. Wyeth (2005), ‘Gameflow: a model for evaluating player enjoyment in games’, ACM Computers in Entertainment, 3 (3) (2005), pp. 1–24.


P. Vorderer, T. Hartmann, C. Klimmt (2003), ‘Explaining the enjoyment of playing video games: the role of competition’. Proceedings of the second international conference on entertainment computing, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (2003).


C.K.J. Wang, A. Khoo, W.C. Liu, S. Divaharan (2008), 'Passion and intrinsic motivation in digital gaming', CyberPsychology & Behavior 11 pp. 39–45.


Yee, N. (2006). 'Motivations for Play in Online Games'. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(6), 772–774


N. Yee (2006), 'The Demographics, Motivations, and Derived Experiences of Users of Massively Multi-User Online Graphical Environments' Presence.





J. Blascovich, J. Bailenson (2011), Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, And The Dawn Of The Virtual Revolution.


J.F. Hoorn, E.A. Konijn, G. Van der Veer (2003), ‘Virtual reality: do not augment realism, augment relevance’, Upgrade, IV (1) (2003), pp. 18–26.


Lafrenière, M-A. K., Vallerand, R. J., Donahue, E. G., & Lavigne, G. L. (2009). On the costs and benefits of gaming: the role of passion. Cyberpsychology and Behavior.

De Simone, J., Verbruggen, T., Kuo, L.-H., & Mutlu, B. (2012). Is cheating a human function? the roles of presence, state hostility, and enjoyment in an unfair video game. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 (6)



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