
Gender, Sexuality and Gaming (redirected from Gender and Gaming)

Page history last edited by Joanna Postlethwaite 11 years, 5 months ago





Krotoski, A. (2004). Chicks and joysticks: An exploration of women and gaming.

Jenkins, H. (2003) 'From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: further reflections'. in Everett, A. Caldwell, J. T. (2003) (Eds.), New Media.

Y.B. Kafai, C. Heeter, J. Denner, & J. Sun (Eds.) (2008), Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New perspectives on gender, games, and computing.


Deirdre M. Kelly, Shauna Pomerantz, and Dawn H. Currie (2006), '“No Boundaries”? Girls’ Interactive, Online Learning About Femininities', Youth and Society.



Gender Difference (Choice of games, engagement etc.)


M.L. Brandt (2008). "Video games activate reward regions of brain in men more than women, Stanford study finds". Stanford University School of Medicine.


R.M. Brown, L.R. Hall, R. Holtzer, S.L. Brown (1997), Gender and Video Game Performance. Sex Roles.

Chumbley, J., & Griffiths, M. (2006). Affect and the computer game player: The effect of gender, personality, and game reinforcement structure on affective responses to computer game-play. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(3)


Cruea, M., & Park, S.-Y. (2012). Gender disparity in video game usage: A Third-Person Perception-Based explanation. Media Psychology , 15


Ferguson, C. J., Cruz, A., & Rueda, S. (2008). 'Gender, video game playing habits and visual memory tasks'. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 58, 279-286.


Funk, J. B., & Buchman, D. D. (1996). 'Children's perceptions of gender differences in social approval for playing electronic games'. Sex Roles 35(3/4)


Guadagno, R. E., Muscanell, N. L., Okdie, B. M., Burke, N. M., & Ward, T. B. (2011). Even in virtual environments women shop and men build: Gender differences in Second Life. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 304–308.


Elizabeth Hayes (2008), 'Girls, Gaming and Trajectories of IT Expertise' in Y.B. Kafai, C. Heeter, J. Denner & J. Sun (Eds.) Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat.


Elizabeth Hayes, 'Women, Video Gaming and Learning: Beyond Stereotypes', Techtrends.


Hayes, E. (2005). 'Gendered identities at play'. Paper presented at the Games, Learning & Society Conference, Madison, WI, June 23-24.


F. Hoeft, C.L. Watson, S.R. Kesler, K.E. Bettinger (2008), 'Gender differences in the mesocorticolimbic system during computer game-play' Journal of Psychiatric Research 42:4.


C.A. Lawton, K.A. Morrin (1999), Gender Differences in Pointing Accuracy in Computer-Simulated 3D Mazes. Sex Roles.


Lucas, K., & Sherry, J. (2004). Sex differences in video game play. Communication Research, 31(5), 499.


S.M. Ogletree, R. Drake (2007), College Students’ Video Game Participation and Perceptions: Gender Differences and Implications. Sex Roles.

E.A. van Reijmersdal et al. (2013), 'Why girls go pink: Game character identification and game-players’ motivations' Computers in Human Behaviour.


R.J. Tafalla (2007), 'Gender Differences in Cardiovascular Reactivity and Game Performance Related to Sensory Modality in Violent Video Game Play' Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 

M.S. Terlecki, N.C. Newcombe (2005), How Important Is the Digital Divide? The Relation of Computer and Videogame Usage to Gender Differences in Mental Rotation Ability. Sex Roles.


Williams, D., Consalvo, M., Caplan, S., & Yee, N. (2009). Looking for gender: Gender roles and behaviors among online gamers. Journal of Communication, 59(4), 700–725.


Willoughby, T. (2008). A short-term longitudinal study of internet and computer game use by adolescent boys and girls: Prevalence, frequency of use, and psychosocial predictors. Developmental Psychology, 44(1)


J.Winn, C. Heeter (2009), Gaming, Gender, and Time: Who Makes Time to Play? Sex Roles.



Characterisation, Objectification, Sexualisation and Body Image


See Video Game Violence > Sexualised Violence 


C.P. Barlett, R. J. Harris (2008), The Impact of Body Emphasizing Video Games on Body Image Concerns in Men and Women. Sex Roles.


E. Behm-Morawitz, D. Mastro (2009), The Effects of the Sexualization of Female Video Game Characters on Gender Stereotyping and Female Self-Concept. Sex Roles.

A. Brenick, A. Henning et al. (2007), 'Social Evaluations of Stereotypic Images in Video Games: Unfair, Legitimate, or “Just Entertainment”?' Youth & Society


M.C.R. Burgess, S.P. Sterner, S.R. Burgess (2007), Sex, Lies, and Video Games: The Portrayal of Male and Female Characters on Video Game Covers. Sex Roles.


K.E. Dill, K.P. Thill (2007), Video Game Characters and the Socialization of Gender Roles: Young People’s Perceptions Mirror Sexist Media Depictions. Sex Roles.


K.E. Dill, B.P. Brown, M.A. Collins (2008), Effects of exposure to sex-stereotyped video game characters on tolerance of sexual harassment. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 


E. Downs, S.L. Smith (2010), Keeping Abreast of Hypersexuality: A Video Game Character Content Analysis. Sex Roles.

Dunn, R. A., & Guadagno, R. E. (2012). My Avatar and me – gender and personality predictors of avatar-self discrepancy. Computers in Human Behavior


J. Fox, J.N. Bailenson (2009), Virtual Virgins and Vamps: The Effects of Exposure to Female Characters’ Sexualized Appearance and Gaze in an Immersive Virtual Environment. Sex Roles.


J. Jansz, R.G. Martis (2007), The Lara Phenomenon: Powerful Female Characters in Video Games. Sex Roles.

N. Martins, D.C. Williams, K. Harrison, R.A. Ratan (2009), A Content Analysis of Female Body Imagery in Video Games. Sex Roles.


Martins, N., Williams, D. C., Ratan, R. A., & Harrison, K. (2011). Virtual muscularity: A content analysis of male video game characters. Body Image , 8 (1)

M.K. Miller, A. Summers (2007), Gender Differences in Video Game Characters’ Roles, Appearances, and Attire as Portrayed in Video Game Magazines. Sex Roles.


C.E. Near (2013), Selling Gender: Associations of Box Art Representation of Female Characters With Sales for Teen- and Mature-rated Video Games. Sex Roles.


M.Z. Yao, C. Mahood, D. Linz (2010), 'Sexual Priming, Gender Stereotyping, and Likelihood to Sexually Harass: Examining the Cognitive Effects of Playing a Sexually Explicit Video Game'. Sex Roles.





R. Gallagher (2012), ‘No Sex Please, We Are Finite State Machines: On the Melancholy Sexlessness of the Video Game’ Games and Culture 7:6.


Alexis Pulos, ‘Confronting Heteronormativity in Online Games: A Critical Discourse Analysis of LGBTQ Sexuality in World of Warcraft’, Games and Culture 8 (2)



Gender and Race


Green, M. E., & McNeese, M. N. (2008). Factors that predict digital game play. Howard Journal of Communications, 19(3)


L.A. Jackson et al. (2011), 'A longitudinal study of the effects of Internet use and videogame playing on academic performance and the roles of gender, race and income in these relationships' Computers in Human Behaviour.


Adrienne Shaw (2012), 'Do you identify as a gamer? Gender, race, sexuality, and gamer identity', New Media & Society 14 (1)


D. Y. Wohn (2011), Gender and Race Representation in Casual Games. Sex Roles.





Andrea Braithwaite (2013), ‘Seriously, get out’: Feminists on the forums and the War(craft) on women'

Graner Ray, S. (2004). 'Gender inclusive game design: Expanding the market'


Huh, S., & Williams, D. (2009). Dude looks like a lady: Gender swapping in an online game. In W.Bainbridge (Ed.), Online worlds: Convergence of the real and the virtual. New York: Springer.


R.S. Johnson (2013), ‘Toward Greater Production Diversity: Examining Social Boundaries at a Video Game Studio’, Games and Culture 8 (3)


J.H. Kuznekoff, L.M Rose (2012), 'Communication in multiplayer gaming: Examining player responses to gender cues', New Media and Society.


TL Taylor (2003), 'Multiple pleasures: Women and online gaming'. Convergence 9(1), 21-46.


Reynolds, E. (2005). 'Women in gaming, and women's game conferences'.


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