See Video Game Violence
Prosocial Behaviour
Bers, M. (2010). Let the games begin: Civic playing on high-tech consoles. Review of General Psychology, 14(2), 147–153.
C.J. Ferguson, A. Garza (2011), ‘Call of (civic) duty: action games and civic behavior in a large sample of youth’, Computers in Human Behavior, 27 (2011), pp. 770–775.
A.M. Fraser et al. (2012), 'Associations Between Violent Video Gaming, Empathic Concern, and Prosocial Behavior Toward Strangers, Friends, and Family Members' Journal of Youth and Adolescence
DA Gentile, C.A. Anderson et al. (2009), 'The effects of prosocial video games on prosocial behaviors: International Evidence from Correlational, Longitudinal and Experimental Studies', Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35.
T. Greitemeyer, S. Osswald (2011), 'Playing prosocial video games increases the accessibility of prosocial thoughts' Journal of Social Psychology.
T. Greitemeyer, S. Osswald, M Brauer (2010), 'Playing prosocial video games increases empathy and decreases schadenfreude'
T. Greitemeyer, S. Osswald (2010), Effects of prosocial video games on prosocial behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 98.
T. Greitemeyer, S. Osswald (2009), Prosocial video games reduce aggressive cognitions, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Greitemeyer, T., Agthe, M., Turner, R., & Gschwendtner, C. (2012). Acting prosocially reduces retaliation: Effects of prosocial video games on aggressive behavior. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 235–242.
Leif D. Nelson, Michael I. Norton (2005), 'From Student to Superhero', Journal of Experimental Psychology 41.
Peng, W., Lee, M., & Heeter, C. (2010). The Effects of a Serious Game on Role-Taking and Willingness to Help. Journal of Communication , 60 (4)
R.S. Rosenberg, S.L. Baughman, J. N. Bailenson (2012), 'Virtual Superheroes: Using Superpowers in Virtual Reality to Encourage Prosocial Behaviour', PLoS ONE 8.
M. Saleem, C.A. Anderson, D.A. Gentile (2012), 'Effects of Prosocial, Neutral, and Violent Video Games on Children's Helpful and Hurtful Behaviors', Aggressive Behaviours 38:4.
M.J. Tear, M. Nielsen (2013), 'Failure to Demonstrate That Playing Violent Video Games Diminishes Prosocial Behavior', PLoS ONE.
Whitaker, J. L., & Bushman, B. J. (2011). “Remain calm. be kind.” The Effects of relaxing video games on aggressive and prosocial behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science
Aggressive Behaviour (not necessarily violent video games)
see Video Game Violence > Aggression
Anderson CA, Dill KE (2000) 'Video games and aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the laboratory and in life.' Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78.
Anderson, C. A., & Ford, C. M. (1986). 'Affect of the game player: Short-term effects of highly and mildly aggressive video games.' Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 12, 390–402.
Bennerstedt U, Ivarsson J, Linderoth J (2012) 'How gamers manage aggression: Situating skills in collaborative computer games'. Computer Supported Learning.
Bensley L, van Eenwyk J (2001) 'Video games and real-life aggression: Review of the literature.' Journal of Adolescent Health 29: 244–257.
Chambers, J. H., & Ascione, F. R. (1987). 'The effects of prosocial and aggressive video games on children’s donating and helping'. Journal of Genetic Psychology 148, 499-505.
Hind, P. A. (1995). 'A study of reported satisfaction with differentially aggressive computer games amongst incarcerated young offenders'. Issues in Criminological and Legal Psychology 22.
E.J. Jeong, F.A. Biocca, C.J. Bohil (2012), 'Sensory Realism and Mediated Aggression in Video Games', Computers in Human Behaviour 28:5
Mitrofan, O., Paul, M., & Spencer, N. (2009). Is aggression in children with behavioural and emotional difficulties associated with television viewing and video game playing? A systematic review. Child: Care, Health, and Development, 35 (1)
Rothmund, T., Gollwitzer, M., & Klimmt, C. (2011). Of virtual victims and victimized virtues: Differential effects of experienced aggression in video games on social cooperation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 37 (1)
Schutte, N. S., Malouff, J. M., Post-Gorden, J. C., & Rodasta, A. L. (1988). 'Effects of playing video games on children’s aggressive and other behaviors'. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 454-460.
E.G.M. van Schie, O. Wiegman (2006), 'Children and Videogames: Leisure Activities, Aggression, Social Integration, and School Performance' Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Scott, D. (1995). 'The effect of video games on feelings of aggression'. Journal of Psychology 129, 121-132.
Silvern, S. B., & Williamson, P. A. (1987). 'The effects of video game play on young children’s aggression, fantasy and prosocial behavior'. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 8, 453-462.
Sternheimer, K. (2007). 'Do video games kill?' Contexts, 6, 13–17.
Thomas, K., & Levant, R. (2012). Does the endorsement of traditional masculinity ideology moderate the relationship between exposure to violent video games and aggression? The Journal of Men’s Studies , 20 (1)
Wiegman, O., & van Schie, E. G. M. (1998). 'Video game playing and its relations with aggressive and prosocial behavior'. British Journal of Social Psychology 37, 367-378.
Morality and Ethics
S. Joeckel et al. (2012), 'Gut or Game? The Influence of Moral Intuitions on Decisions in Video Games' Media Psychology 15:4.
Simkins, D., & Steinkuehler, C. (2008). 'Critical ethical reasoning and role-play'. Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media, 3(3–4), 333–355.
A.J. Weaver, N. Lewis (2012),'Mirrored morality: an exploration of moral choice in video games. Cyberpsychological Behaviour Social Network.
Co-operation and Group Play
See Socialisation, Confidence and Relationships
Chen, M. (2009a). 'Communication, coordination, and camaraderie in World of Warcraft'. Games and Culture, 4(1), 47–73.
Crabtree, A., Benford, S., Capra, M., Flintham, M., Drozd, A., Tandavanitj, N., et al. (2007). 'The cooperative work of gaming: Orchestrating a mobile SMS game.' Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): An International Journal, 16(1/2), 167–198.
Eastin, M. S. (2007). The influence of competitive and cooperative group game play on state hostility. Human Communication Research, 33 (4)
Greitemeyer, T., Traut-Mattausch, E., & Osswald, S. (2012). How to ameliorate negative effects of violent video games on cooperation: Play it cooperatively in a team. Computers in Human Behavior
Keating, E., & Sunakawa, C. (2010). 'Participation cues: Coordinating activity and collaboration in complex online gaming worlds'. Language in Society, 39(3), 331–356.
Moore, R. J., Hankinson-Gathman, C. E., Duchenaut, N., & Nickell, E. (2007). 'Coordinating joint activity in avatar-mediated interaction'. In M. B. Rosson (Ed.), CHI '07 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 21–30). New York: ACM.
Nardi, B., & Harris, J. (2010). 'Strangers and friends: Collaborative play in World of Warcraft'.
Oxford, J., Ponzi, D., & Geary, D. C. (2009) Hormonal responses differ when playing violent video games against an ingroup or outgroup. Evolution and Human Behavior
Sjöblom, B. (2008). 'Gaming as a situated collaborative practice'. Human IT, 9(3), 128–165.
Schmierbach, M., Xu, Q., Oeldorf-Hirsch, A., & Dardis, F. E. (2012). Electronic friend or virtual foe: Exploring the role of competitive and cooperative multiplayer video game modes in fostering enjoyment. Media Psychology, 15 (3)
Sheese BE, Graziano WG (2005) 'Deciding to defect: The effects of video-game violence on cooperative behavior.' Psychological Science 16.
Social Confidence and Relationships (Online and offline)
Ahlstrom, M.,Lundberg,N., Zabriskie, R.,Eggett, D., & Lindsay, G. (2012). 'Me, my spouse, and my avatar: The relationship between marital satisfaction and playingmassively multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPG’s).' Journal of Leisure Research, 44(1).
Colwell J, Kato M (2003) 'Investigation of the relationship between social isolation, self-esteem, aggression and computer game play in Japanese adolescents.' Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
Coyne, S. M., Busby, D., Bushman, B. J., Gentile, D. A., Ridge, R., & Stockdale, L. (2012). Gaming in the game of love: Effects of video games on conflict in couples. Family Relations, 61
Cummings, H. M., & Vandewater, E. A. (2007). Relation of adolescent video game play to time spent in other activities. Archives of Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine
N. Ducheneaut, R.J. Moore (2004), ‘The social side of gaming: a study of interaction patterns in a massively multiplayer online game’. Retrieved from Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.
N. Ducheneaut, N. Yee, E. Nickell, R.J. Moore. “Alone together?”: Exploring the social dynamics of massively multiplayer online games. R. Grinter, T. Rodden, P. Aoki, E. Cutrell, R. Jeffries, G. Olson (Eds.), Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems (CHI ‘06), ACM, New York (2006), pp. 407–416.
E.C. Dupuis, M.A. Ramsey (2011), 'The Relation of Social Support to Depression in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games' Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Eastwick, P. W., & Gardner, W. L. (2008). Is it a game? Evidence for social influence in the virtual world. Social Influence
Ferguson, C. J., San Miguel, C., Garza, A., & Jerabeck, J. (2012). 'A longitudinal test of video game violence influences on dating and aggression: A 3-year longitudinal study of adolescents.' Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 141-146.
Fling, S., Smith, L., Rodriguez, T., Thornton, D., Atkins, E., & Nixon, K. (1992). 'Videogames, aggression, and self-esteem: A survey'. Social Behavior and Personality, 20, 39-46.
Frostling-Henningsson, M. (2009). First-person shooter games as a way of connecting to people: “Brothers in blood”. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12(5), 557–562.
J. Jansz, L. Martens (2005), ‘Gaming at a LAN event: the social context of playing video games’, New Media & Society, 7 (3).
Yasmin B. Kafai (2010), 'World of Whyville: An Introduction to Tween Virtual Life' Games and Culture 5 (1)
Liu, M., & Peng, W. (2009). Cognitive and psychological predictors of the negative outcomes associated with playing MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games). Computers in Human Behavior.
Ryan M. Milner (2013), ‘Contested Convergence and the Politics of Play on’ Games and Culture 8(1)
Neil B. Niman (2013), ‘The Allure of Games: Toward an Updated Theory of the Leisure Class’, Games and Culture 8(1)
Padilla-Walker, L. M., Nelson, L. J., Carroll, J. S., and Jensen, A. C. (2009). More Than a Just a Game: Video Game and Internet Use During Emerging Adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence
T. Panelas (1983), 'Adolescents and Video Games: Consumption of Leisure and the Social Construction of the Peer Group' Youth and Society.
E.G.M. van Schie, O. Wiegman (2006), 'Children and Videogames: Leisure Activities, Aggression, Social Integration, and School Performance' Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Sheeks, M. S., & Birchmeier, Z. P. (2007). Shyness, sociability, and the use of computer-mediated communication in relationship development. CyberPsychology & Behavior
S. Son et al. (2012), 'Analysis of Context Dependence in Social Interaction Networks of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game' PLoS ONE
Steinkuehler, C., & Williams, D. (2006). Where everybody knows your (screen) name: Online games as ‘third places’. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(4), 885–909.
D.B. Vallett (2013), 'Do problematic and non-problematic video game players differ in extraversion, trait empathy, social capital and prosocial tendencies?' Computers in Human Behaviour.
Maeva Veerapen (2013), ‘Where Do Virtual Worlds Come From?: A Genealogy of Second Life’, Games and Culture 8 (2)
M. Visser et al. (2013), 'Online communication and social well-being: how playing World of Warcraft affects players' social competence and loneliness' Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Williams, D., Caplan, S., & Xiong, L. (2007). Can you hear me now? the impact of voice in an online gaming community. Human Communication Research, 33(4)
Williams, D., Ducheneaut, N., LiXiong, Y. Z., Yee, N., & Nickell, E. (2006). From tree house to barracks: the social life of guilds in World of Warcraft. Games and Culture, 1, 338–361.
E.A. Witt, A.J. Massman, L.A. Jackson (2010), 'Trends in youth’s videogame playing, overall computer use, and communication technology use: The impact of self-esteem and the Big Five personality factors' Computers in Human Behaviour.
General Effects
Chong YMG, Teng KZS, Siew SCA, Skoric MM (2012) 'Cultivation effects of video games: A longer–term experimental test of first-and second-order effects'. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 31.
Colwell, J., & Payne, J. (2000). 'Negative correlates of compute game play in adolescents'. British Journal of Psychology, 91, 295--310.
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, S., & Smith, J. H. (2003). Playing with fire: How do computer games affect the player? Report for The Media Council for Children and Young People. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Gentile, D. A. (2011). 'The multiple dimensions of video game effects'. Child Development Perspectives, 5, 75–81.
P.M. Greenfield (1984), Mind and media. The effects of television, video games and computers, Harvard University Press, Cambridge: MA.
T. Greitemeyer (2013), 'Effects of Playing Video Games on Perceptions of One's Humanity' Journal of Social Psychology.
Griffiths, M. D. (1993). 'Are computer games bad for children?' The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 6, 405.
Ivory, J. D., & Magee, R. G. (2009). You can’t take it with you? Effects of handheld portable media consoles of physiological and psychological responses to video game and media content. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12
J.V. Mierlo, J.V. den Bulck (2004), 'Benchmarking the cultivation approach to video game effects: a comparison of the correlates of TV viewing and game play', Journal of Adolescence 27:1.
M.A. Barnett et al. (1997), 'Late Adolescents' Experiences With and Attitudes Toward Videogames' Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
N.A. Douse, I.C. McManus (1993), 'The personality of fantasy game players' British Journal of Psychology.
Ferguson CJ, Heene M (2012) 'A vast graveyard of undead theories: Publication bias and psychological science’s aversion to the null.' Perspectives on Psychological Science 7.
Patricia M. Greenfield, Luigia Camaioni, Paola Ercolani, Laura Weiss, Bennett A. Lauber, Paola Perucchini (1994), Cognitive socialization by computer games in two cultures: Inductive discovery or mastery of an iconic code? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
M.D. Griffiths (1991), 'Amusement machine playing in childhood and adolescence: A comparative analysis of video games and fruit machines'. Journal of Adolescence 14:1.
M.D. Griffiths, M.N.O Davies, D. Chappell (2004), 'Online computer gaming: a comparison of adolescent and adult gamers' Journal of Adolescence 27:1.
P. Holtz, M. Appel (2011), 'Internet use and video gaming predict problem behavior in early adolescence'. Journal of Adolescence 34:1.
Ivory, J. D., Williams, D. C., Martins, N., & Consalvo, M. (2009). 'Good clean fun? A content analysis of profanity in video games and its prevalence across game systems and ratings'. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12 (4)
Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, Yuan Gong, Holly Hagner, Laura Kerbeykian (2012), 'Tragedy Viewers Count Their Blessings: Feeling low on Fiction Leads to Feeling High on Life', Communication Research.
Kutner, L. A., Olson, C. K., Warner, D. E., & Hertzog, S. M. (2008). 'Parents’ and sons’ perspectives on video game play: A qualitative study'. Journal of Adolescent Research, 23(1)
Lee, M., Ko, Y., Song, H., Kwon, K., Lee, H., Nam, M., & Jung, I. (2007). 'Characteristics of internet use in relation to game genre in Korean adolescents'. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(2), 278–285.
S. Lin, M.R. Lepper (2006), 'Correlates of Children's Usage of Videogames and Computers' Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Loftus, G. R., & Loftus, E. F. (1983). Mind at play: The psychology of video games. New York: Basic Books.
Maass, A., Lohaus, A., & Wolf, O. T. (2010). Media and stress in adolescent boys in Germany. Journal of Children and Media, 4 (1)
A. Mehrabian, W.J. Wixen (1986), 'Preferences for Individual Video Games as a Function of Their Emotional Effects on Players' Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Ravaja, N., Saari, T., Salminen, M., Laarni, J., & Kallinen, K. (2006). Phasic emotional reactions to video game events: A psychophysiological investigation. Media Psychology.
S. Thurner, M. Szell, R. Sinatra (2012), 'Emergence of Good Conduct, Scaling and Zipf Laws in Human Behavioral Sequences in an Online World' PLoS ONE.
E. Vingilis et al. (2013), 'Street racing video games and risk-taking driving: An Internet survey of automobile enthusiasts.' Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Williams, D. (2006). Virtual cultivation: Online worlds, offline perceptions. Journal of Communication, 56, 69–87.
· C.A. Anderson, L. Berkowitz, E. Donnerstein, L.R. Huesmann, J.D. Johnson, D. Linz et al. (2003), The influence of media violence on youth, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4 (2003), pp. 81–110
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